
Artbar Tokyoでチームビルディングを実施しませんか?アートを通じたコミュニケーションで思い出に残る有意義な時間をお過ごし下さい。アートxチームビルディングのメリット

  • アート制作というユニークな課題を通じて、クリエイティブな思考やコミュニケーション力を引き出します
  • メンバー全員が同じゴールを目指し、力を合わせるという経験が得られます
  • 達成感を共有しチームとしての絆を深めます
  • 作品に現れるお互いの個性を知り、認め合う事で新しいコミュニケーションが生まれます。
  • アートと触れ合う事でストレスを発散できます









  • 代官山スタジオ:最大12名様
  • 原宿スタジオ:最大20名様
  • 銀座 スタジオ:最大30名様
  • 横浜元町スタジオ:最大40名様 (2部屋に分かれます)
  • ※最小催行人数は10名様となります。スタジオ以外の会場の最少催行人数は15名。



お一人様6,600円(税込) – (出張開催の場合はお一人様あたりの参加費は7150円(税込)となります)


例)10名様の場合 6,600円 x 10名様 + 貸切料金5,500円




  •  キャンバス(1人1枚:追加料金でキャンバスを増やすこともできます。)
  •  ペインティングに必要な画材
  •  絵画レッスン
  •  エプロン
  •  飲み物(白・赤ワイン、ジュース、お茶 )
  •  おつまみ






















アディダス、アマゾン、STH グループ、ネットフリックス、アップル、トヨタ、日本ロレアル

楽しく進めることができました。 スタッフのみなさまが明るく、 的確にガイドしてくださり、

絵が苦手と言っていたメンバーもとても楽しんでいました。 業務上はやりとりの少ない同僚ともセッションを通して交流でき、チームの一体感が増したように思います。



Amazon Web Services

Cathy and her team hosted a wonderful Women’s Wine & Paint night for us at our offices. The event was fantastic for team-building and most of my colleagues who attended (myself included) now proudly have their paintings displayed on their office wall. I highly recommend Cathy and her team if you’re looking for a fun, interesting and collaborative company event.

Morrison & Foerster

It was really nice to take time out of normal office work/routine. When we painted our own paintings it was really therapeutic and relaxing -it gave me a new energy and motivation to continue with my work for the rest of the week. Doing some activities like this is every once in a while is great for work motivation!

Sports Travel & Hospitality Japan

The staff was super welcoming and helpful. I felt that everyone was able to bring out their inner artist.

Amazon Web Services

It was great to learn more about my colleagues in a relaxed environment – don’t have those opportunities in the office.

Sports Travel & Hospitality Japan

A team work on Art was a very new exercise for me. Very interesting and
insightful. Enjoyable with our colleagues and yet appreciate the quality time and even learn a lot about each other through drawings and conversations.

Sports Travel & Hospitality Japan

We had a blast! The activity itself was very fun and the team had a great time working together, producing a lot of creative ideas. Highly recommended!

Go! Go! Nihon

7+ years

Providing creative team building experiences throughout Japan

Artbar Tokyo brings fun and creativity to your team building event! Develop and foster your team’s strengths with our unique, exciting art exercises focused on leadership, communication, and strategy as a team. You can choose an artwork from our gallery catalog or create your own custom masterpiece. Let us help you make a memorable, fun and effective event for your team.

Benefits of Art as a Team

  • Fosters creative thinking, communication, & teamwork in a fun, unique way
  • Allows the team to imagine their vision & collaborate
  • Exercises problem-solving skills and decision-making together
  • Boosts sense of accomplishment & bonding as a team
  • Reduces stress levels and promotes wellness

Team Building Events – In our studio, at your location or Online

Spark your team’s creativity and get inspired through our collaborative in studio or online art workshop!


Session Includes :

  • Materials for one painting  per participant (additional canvas available for purchase)
  • Instruction
  • Apron
  • Beverages  (includes red & white wine, juice, oolong tea or coffee)
  • Light snacks
  • *Online sessions do not include apron or beverages but includes all materials.  Delivery within Japan only. Shipping fees not included.



  • 2 hours



  • From 6600 yen (Tax Included)  per person with a minimum of 10 people *Price varies based on canvas size or non standard event.  
  • The per person price is from 7150 yen (Tax Included) if the event is held outside of Artbar Studios.
  • 5500 yen (Tax Included) one time private party fee


Location Options:

  • Online (no Maximum)
  • Artbar Daikanyama (for up to 12 person capacity)
  • Artbar Cat Street Harajuku (for up to 20 capacity)
  • Artbar Ginza (for up to 30 capacity)
  • Artbar Yokohama Motomachi (for up to 30 capacity in front room, 10 in back)
  • Your office or offsite venue (15-100+ extra charges may apply)


Food Catering:

You are welcome to bring additional food, drinks, or cater in. Please inquire with us if interested in food catering and we are happy to suggest nearby catering recommendations.


Session Activities:


Artbar Signature Original – Creative Warm Up  Activity

This ice breaker will get your team laughing and full of surprises with the final result.


Instructor-led Painting

Choose from over 150 paintings from our gallery catalog or let us customize an image catered to your business – incorporate your logo or product image in your masterpiece.


Customize Your Session:


Artbar Signature Original

Piece of a Puzzle Team Masterpieces


Each member paints a portion of a larger mural on their own canvas or members collaborating on the same canvas. Completed paintings combined all together create one, cohesive masterpiece.


Collaborative Masterpieces


Each member of your team may develop their painting and at a time mark, switch paintings and continue where the other has left off – can be done in teams or all together as a group!


Personal Masterpieces


Each member will be guided step-by-step from our friendly instructor of an image of your team’s choice. Take your masterpiece home or display it in the workplace as a treasured memory.


Past Clients include: Adidas, Amazon, STH Group, Netflix, Apple, Nike, GE, Toyota, LOREAL Japan, Spotify, Takeda, Sojitsu, Coca-Cola and many many more.


Host your Event at Artbar Daikanyama, Cat Street, Ginza, Yokohama or at your office!