

Languages: English Japanese
AAS in Graphic Arts and Advertising Technology - Finger Lakes Community College, NY BFA in illustration at Syracuse University, NY Children’s book author and illustrator


Uka graduated from college in New York. Focusing primarily on  illustration, she loves working in oil and acrylics. She is an author and illustrator of children’s book and a special support staff at an elementary school.


sun08dec11:30 amsun1:30 pmARTBAR LAB UENO -Kids & Family - キッズ&ファミリー クリスマス ツミキ・ツリー Cubism Christmas Treew/Uka11:30 am - 1:30 pm Artbar Lab Ueno

sun15dec11:30 amsun1:30 pmARTBAR LAB UENO -Kids & Family - キッズ&ファミリー雪だるま Snowmanw/Uka11:30 am - 1:30 pm Artbar Lab Ueno

sun22dec11:30 amsun1:30 pmARTBAR LAB UENO -Kids & Family - キッズ&ファミリー クリスマス ツミキ・ツリー Cubism Christmas Treew/Uka11:30 am - 1:30 pm Artbar Lab Ueno


sun05jan11:30 amsun1:30 pmARTBAR LAB UENO -Kids & Family - キッズ&ファミリー オーロラ シロクマ Aurora Polar Bearw/Uka11:30 am - 1:30 pm Artbar Lab Ueno

sun12jan11:30 amsun1:30 pmARTBAR LAB UENO -Kids & Family - Sakura Panda さくらパンダw/Uka11:30 am - 1:30 pm Artbar Lab Ueno

sun19jan11:30 amsun1:30 pmARTBAR LAB UENO -Kids & Family - キッズ&ファミリー フィンガーペイント 東京タワーTokyo Towerw/Uka11:30 am - 1:30 pm Artbar Lab Ueno

sun26jan11:30 amsun1:30 pmARTBAR LAB UENO -Kids & Family - キッズ&ファミリー Cupcakew/Uka11:30 am - 1:30 pm Artbar Lab Ueno