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january, 2025

sat18jan11:00 amsat1:00 pmKids Only -キッズ- 星降る夜 擬似ステンドグラス Starry Night Faux Stained Glassw/Akiko11:00 am - 1:00 pm Artbar Yokohama Motomachi



This instructor speaks English, Japanese

内容 | Event Details

Kids Only -キッズ- 星降る夜 擬似ステンドグラス

Kids- Starry Night Faux Stained Glass



  • 対象年齢は8歳~14歳です


画材、エプロン等 絵を描くのに必要なものは全て揃っていますので、そのままお越しください。



子供 (Children) 4400円(税込)Tax Incl

・飲み物(お茶、ジュース etc… )

Kids Only – Faux stained Glass

Parents can drop your children off and let them spend their morning painting! Paint, laugh and listen to fun music with us! No experience necessary,. Come as you are!

Kids will use different paints and mediums to create the look of stained glass

  • This class will use a 25×25 glass frame
  • The class is appropriate for ages 8-14

Doors Open: 10:45

Painting Session 11am – 1pm

Child :4400円(税込)Tax Included

Session Includes:

All Materials

Green Tea, Juice or Water

Snacks and Cookies

時間 | Time

(Saturday) 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

場所 | Location

Artbar Yokohama Motomachi

Ichigo Yokohama Motomachi Bld 2fl 1-27-2 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama

利用規約 | Terms of Service

Kids Only -キッズ- 星降る夜 擬似ステンドグラス Starry Night Faux Stained Glass

チケット代|Price ¥4,000
チケット代+消費税|Price + Tax ¥4,400

チケット枚数|How many tickets? -1 +

Kids Only -キッズ- -擬似ステンドグラス Faux Stained Glass