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april, 2025

thu24apr5:00 pmthu7:00 pmSPACES六本木で 藤のトンネル Tunnel of Wisteria @ Roppongi SPACESw/ Luci5:00 pm - 7:00 pm SPACES Roppongi



This instructor speaks English, Japanese, Chinese

内容 | Event Details

*このイベントはArtbarではなく、六本木のSPACES で開催されます。

Address: SPACES六本木、〒106-0032 Tokyo, Minato City, Roppongi, 7 Chome−12−2 R7ビルディング


*** This event will take place at Roppongi SPACES and NOT at Artbar.

Address: 7-12-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo R7 Building

Access:1 minute walk from Exit 8 of Roppongi Station on the Hibiya Line and Oedo Line, and 5 minutes walk from Exit 3 of Nogizaka Station on the Chiyoda Line.

Roppongi SPACESでペイントナイト – 藤のトンネル



画材、エプロン等 絵を描くのに必要なものは全て揃っていますので、そのままお越しください。未経験でも驚くほど上手な作品が完成します。


大人 (Adults) 6050円(税込)

・お飲み物:ワイン(白、赤)、お茶、ジュース etc.

Roppongi SPACES Special Event  – Tunnel of Wisteria


Join us at SPACES Roppongi! Drinks and light snacks are included. Come get creative and relax with us.  No experience necessary!

1 minute walk from Exit 8 of Roppongi Station on the Hibiya Line and Oedo Line, and 5 minutes walk from Exit 3 of Nogizaka Station on the Chiyoda Line.

Take a sip. Unwind. Let’s paint! Only at Artbar can you enjoy all-you-can-drink wine, soft drinks, plus light snacks. All levels are always welcome, you don’t have to be a pro to paint. Let’s get creative, meet new people, and hang up your masterpiece at home!

Doors Open: 16:45 Come in, Relax and meet new people
Painting Session: 17:00~19:00

(Adults) 6050円(税込)

Session Includes
All Materials and Instruction
Red or White Wine and Non Alcoholic Beverages
Light Snacks


For more information about SPACES and the Regus group, please refer to the link below


時間 | Time

(Thursday) 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

場所 | Location

SPACES Roppongi

7-12-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo R7 Building

利用規約 | Terms of Service

イベントの24時間以上前にキャンセルされた場合は、別の日に開催されるイベントにご参加いただくことができます。 24時間未満のキャンセル及び、ご連絡なしに当日ご参加されなかった場合は、払い戻しも、別のイベントへの参加の権利もございませんので、ご了承ください。 Notify us via email at least 24 hours prior for cancellation and you will receive a credit to participate on another date Less than 24 hours notification or no shows will not receive refund or credit

Event @ Roppongi Spaces

チケット代|Price ¥5,500
チケット代+消費税|Price + Tax ¥6,050

チケット枚数|How many tickets? -1 +

Event @ Roppongi SPACES