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april, 2025

wed02apr6:00 pmwed8:00 pm大きなキャンバス F12一輪の花 Large Canvas One FlowerWith / Aika6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Artbar Daikanyama



This instructor speaks Japanese

内容 | Event Details

大きなキャンバス (F12) 61cm x 50 cm一輪の花

Large Canvas (F12) 61cm x 50 cm Single Bold  Flower


画材、エプロン等 絵を描くのに必要なものは全て揃っていますので、そのままお越しください。未経験でも驚くほど上手な作品が完成します。




大人 (Adults) 9350円(税込)Tax Included

・お飲み物:ワイン(白、赤)、お茶、ジュース etc.

Large Canvas (F12)Single Bold Flower

Take a sip. Unwind. Let’s paint at Artbar Tokyo! Only at Artbar can you enjoy all-you-can-drink wine, soft drinks, plus light snacks. All levels are always welcome, you don’t have to be a pro to paint! Let’s get creative, meet new people, and hang up your masterpiece at home!

In this class we will focus on the beauty of a single flower on a larger F12 canvas . Choose your favorite color to create a bold and impactful painting for your home.

No experience is necessary! We provide all materials, wine and light snack. As always, feel free to bring your own food or order in if you like.

Doors Open: 17:45
Painting Session: 18:00~20:00

大人 (Adults) 9350円(税込)Tax Included

Session Includes:
All instruction and Materials
Glass of White or Red Wine
Non-Alcoholic Beverage, Green Tea, Water or Juice
Light Snacks

時間 | Time

(Wednesday) 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

場所 | Location

Artbar Daikanyama

東京都渋谷区代官山町 7-2

利用規約 | Terms of Service

大きなキャンバス (F12) 一輪の花 Large Canvas (F12) Single bold Flower

チケット代|Price ¥8,500
チケット代+消費税|Price + Tax ¥9,350

チケット枚数|How many tickets? -1 +

大きなキャンバス  一輪の花 Single Bold Flower on Large Canvas