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チームビルディングの力 The power of Team Building

[English follows]

2017年からArtbar Tokyoが提供しているサービスの中で人気なものとして、「チームビルディング」があります。日本企業だけでなく、外国企業にも信頼され、小規模なスタートアップ企業から大企業まで、業種を問わず多くの企業がこの創造的な活動がチームのパフォーマンスや結束力に大きな影響を与えることを認識しています。この記事では、チームビルディングの人気が高まっている理由と、それらの活動がもたらす具体的なメリットについて探っていきます。

チームビルディングは、参加者を通常の業務のルーチンから解放するグループ活動です。Artbar Tokyoのチームビルディングでは、カジュアルな環境でリラックスしながらチームでアクティビティをこなしていきます。共同作業を通じて、チームワークについて新たな視点を得ることになるのです。これらの活動が効果的に実行されれば、パフォーマンスや生産性に長期的でポジティブな効果を生み、結束力があり活気のある企業文化を作り上げることに繋がります。


 なぜ企業はチームビルディングを選ぶべきなのでしょうか? 普段とは異なる環境で刺激的な活動をすることは、人々がリラックスし、モチベーションを高めるための安全な空間を作り出します。チームビルディングは、典型的な仕事のプレッシャーを感じることなく学べる経験を提供することで、グローバルな幸福を達成することを目的とした総合的な戦略である。 これは、まず個人レベル、次にチーム、そして最終的には会社の業績へと、いくつかのメリットをもたらします。



ストレスの軽減: 長期間のストレスや不安は、個人の幸福と仕事のパフォーマンスの両方に悪影響を及ぼします。従業員にとって、リラックスした環境下で業務外の活動を行うことは日常業務からの休憩の提供になり、不安のレベルを下げ、精神的なリフレッシュになります。

気分、モチベーション、人間関係の向上: 大きな目標を達成した後にそれを一緒に祝えるチームは個人の精神に余裕を持たせます。同様に、同僚とともにチャレンジを乗り越えることは、自信やモチベーションを高め、お互いの信頼も深めます。これにより、チームワークへの熱意が再燃し、従業員の職場環境に対する満足度が高まり、日々の業務に対するモチベーションも向上します。

 では、なぜアートを活用したチームビルディングを選ぶべきなのでしょうか? クリエイティブなチームビルディングの具体的なメリットは何でしょうか?


Artbar Tokyoでは、ドリンクやスナックが食べ放題・飲み放題で提供され、ケータリングサービスの手配や飲み物の持ち込みも可能です。一緒に食べて飲むことで、ストレスをさらに軽減し、楽しくリラックスした環境での社会的絆が深まります。Artbar Tokyoでのチームビルディングをオススメする理由は以下の通りです。





アートを活用したチームビルディングの価値について詳しくご理解いただけたでしょうか? もし、チームのために特別な体験を作りたいと思われたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。お客様のニーズや目標に合わせたアクティビティを一緒にデザインするお手伝いをさせていただきます。どんな違いが生まれるか、ぜひ体験してみてください。



The power of Team Building 


 One of the most popular services offered by Artbar Tokyo since 2017, trusted by both Japanese and foreign firms, is Team Building. From small startups to large corporations, companies across industries are increasingly recognizing the significant impact these creative activities can have on team performance and cohesion. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why Team Building is becoming increasingly popular, and the concrete benefits this kind of activity brings.

Team building involves group activities that take participants outside the usual work routine. Through engaging workshops and activities, teams are invited to collaborate in a relaxed and informal setting, offering a fresh perspective on teamwork. These activities do more than break up the workday: when designed and executed effectively, team building creates lasting, positive effects on performance and productivity, contributing to a cohesive and vibrant company culture.

When practiced regularly, team building activities can significantly enhance a company’s overall “well-being”, a term which refers to the actions a company takes to promote the personal and professional health of its employees, ensuring that work becomes a fulfilling part of their lives. By committing to structured, ongoing efforts, companies can nurture the well-being of their workforce, leading to better results and a more engaged team.

 So, why should a company choose team building? The change of environment and stimulating activities create a safe space where people can feel relaxed and motivated. It’s a holistic strategy aimed at achieving global well-being by providing an experience that allows people to learn without the pressure of a typical work obligation. This leads to several benefits, first on the individual level, then on the team, and ultimately, on company performance:

Development of Soft Skills: Active listening, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are just some examples. Practicing these skills in a relaxed, non-stressful environment helps participants discover new strategies that can significantly help during challenging tasks at work.

Cohesion and collaboration: Removing formal barriers brings people closer together, allowing employees to get to know each other better, which reduces tension and fosters collaboration. This will encourage interaction and exchange, and ultimately ensure the success of collaborative projects. Engaging and fun team building activities help reduce individual competition in favor of a shared goal.

Reducing stress: Long-term stress and anxiety can negatively impact both an individual’s well-being and their work performance. Informal activities in a relaxed setting provide a break from the pressures of everyday tasks, lowering anxiety levels and allowing employees to recharge mentally.

Improved mood, motivation and relationships: A team that celebrates victory together after achieving a significant goal is psychologically encouraged. Similarly, overcoming a challenge with colleagues helps to enhance self-confidence, motivation and fosters trust. This reignites enthusiasm for teamwork, making employees more satisfied with their work environment and more motivated to engage in their daily responsibilities.


That said, why should you choose an artistic team building for your company? What are the specific benefits of creative team buildings?

When it comes to team building, artistic activities stand out for their unique ability to stimulate creative thinking, a highly valuable skill in today’s workplace. In recent years, many environments have favored a strictly technical-rational approach, leading to a decrease in the creative potential of social work. In modern times, there is an increasing need to use critical, transformative, and action-focused methods that can improve team social cohesion, soft skills, and critical-transformative thinking. Furthermore, manual tasks and tactile media, like acrylic paints, offer immersive activities that significantly reduce anxiety and stress levels. These activities are not only enjoyable but provide a break from the daily grind, allowing for greater personal expression and relaxation.

At Artbar, we also offer all you can drink beverages and all you can eat snacks, while allowing you to arrange your own catering services and bring drinks: eating and drinking together helps further to lower stress and enhance social bonding in a fun and relaxed setting. Beyond the enjoyable atmosphere, here’s what makes our artistic team building experience unique:

Customization: Over the years, we have continually adapted to meet our clients’ goals. We listen to your needs and craft a tailored experience based on your specific aims, fully committing to creating an experience that aligns with your company, values, and product.

Flexible approach: We understand that each company is different, so we plan activities based on your team’s timeline, available space, and objectives. Our offerings are designed to be adaptable, ensuring that every event meets your team’s unique requirements.

Targeted games and activities: We’ve designed activities that are aimed at achieving specific objectives, whether it’s improving communication, stimulating creativity, or fostering collaboration and strong team bonds. Every activity is both useful and fun, ensuring that everyone walks away with valuable takeaways.

Now that you’ve explored the value of artistic team building in detail, if you’re interested in creating a tailored experience for your team, feel free to contact us. We’d be happy to help you design an activity that aligns with your specific needs and goals. Ready to see the difference it will make?